Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rescue apparatus : VSAV

The meaning of the name :

VSAV is the abbreviation of Véhicule de Secours et d'Aide à Victime meaning "vehicle of rescue and help to victim".

The crew :

The regular crew is formed of 3 or 4 firefighters : - the driver (conducteur) needs the authorization of the prefect of the department (for us department means Morbihan) after having gone a medical checkup

                                                                       - the chief of apparatus (chef d'agrès) must have at least the rank of chief corporal with the special training to be the chief of this apparatus
                                                                       - one or two team member(s), that depends of the number of firefighters which have the fire station. In Pontivy, there is one team member during the day from monday to saturday and two team members during the night and on sunday.

In smaller fire station with less staff they are allowed to take the departure with only the driver and the chief of apparatus.

Inside the apparatus :

   1. The stretcher

The stand of the stretcher offers different positions according to what the state of the victim requires.

Box to control movements of the stand
      Regular position

The stretcher offers a different multitude of position according to what the state of the victim requires.

   2. Apparatus for breath and heart

Vacuum cleaner for mucus
(aspirateur à mucosité)


Semiautomatic defibrillator
  (Défibrillateur Semi-Automatique)

Multi-parameter to checked the blood pressure (on the left), to keep track of the oxygen saturation (in the middle), to check the heart rhythm (on the right .The red "ladder" in the middle moves at the rate of heartbeat)

   3. The chair (la chaise)

   4. Apparatus to protect the spinal column

  • the plank (la planche)

  • the 'spoon" (la cuillère)

  • The cervical-thorax splint (L'attelle cervico-thoracique)

  • The shell mattress (Le matelas coquille)

With the pump, we take off the air inside the mattress so micro-balls "snuggle up to itself" returning the stiff mattress.

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